Latest news


There are three new giclee prints online in my store. Three different ‘Kiko’s’,  but it’s also possible to buy them all three at once and you’ll save €30,-

New painting online

Denis, my newest creation is up on my website and it is exhibited in Jaski gallery’s summer group show now!

Home gallery Silas

Our first edition of playing gallery was a blast! Thanks to all visitors and of course the sunny weather, the exhibition was a succes. We are definitely going to do this more often. All new art will be online asap.

NEW EXHIBITION SILAS (21 & 22 May, 2022)

I would like to invite you to my newest exhibition during ART ROTTERDAM. It will be my first exhibition at our home gallery ‘Huisgalerie Silas‘.
We will open our doors on Saturday 21 & Sunday 22 May from 12:00 until 18:00 (and if you can’t make it, but still like to visit the exhibition, you can contact me and we’ll plan another day for you to drop by). It will be a show with new and older paintings, drawings and limited prints. Come join us and bring you friends too if you like.
See you then at Jensiusstraat 44 in Rotterdam!

€ 789,10!!!!!

The winning bid was 789,10 euro! What an amazing amount. Thank you, Tina! And thanks to all of you who joined this silent auction. We have transferred 789,10 euro to Giro 555. Please, keep on donating if you can miss it.


I am auctioning this artwork in a silent auction. The proceeds will go to Giro 555 for Ukrainian refugees. Everyone can join this auction by simply sending me an email with your bid! Please, send it to Check out the complete artwork at the ‘Art on Paper’ section. I will announce the highest/winning bid this Sunday 20 March around 18:00 CET. The winner will also receive some extra gifts from me and I will pay the shipping costs. Good luck!